How to make a deal?
Fast, easy, secure -buy illustrations online

Add image to the basket, checkout with PayPal or credit card, receive a link to download.

Create your own design collection or sports accessories with my prints and start earning money!

Choose the illustration/size, go to bag 👜
Choose an illustration you like and the size you need.
Add File to the BAG
See Catalog
Add you 💌 E-mail to provide a deal
Your e-mail will be needed to provide a deal and receive your image .
Your Name 😊 and Phone 🤳 will be needed to complete a deal.
Fill short form to complete the deal: Name and contact phone will needed to make the deal (or contact you if something is wrong 🤦).
"Get link to download" - is chosen automatically 🤖. Continue! It is almost done! ✌
Check out, purchase with PayPal. It is easy and secure!

Recive your file with E-mail!
Download link will be sent to the email you note in order form within 12 hours after payment. The link is valid 24 hours after it was sent.

Strekosa - simple rools for easy deal!

Rools are simple: checkout with PayPal, receive a link to download. You buy an image once but use forever, for any print type or product: t-shirt, sport-bottles, covers, umbrellas, hoodies, albums, and many many others. Create your own design collection or sports accessories with my prints and start earning money!
Royalty free, Height resolution, Variable prints sizes
Strekosa Design - best sport Illustrations and Designs for your business or events!
Strekosa Design - best sport Illustrations and Designs for your business or events!
Strekosa Design - best sport Illustrations and Designs for your business or events!
Strekosa Design - best sport Illustrations and Designs for your business or events!
Strekosa Design - best sport Illustrations and Designs for your business or events!
Strekosa Design